| Hello Friends, | Did you know that 40 lakh graduates enter the job market every year in India? If you are one of them, and feeling somewhat lost, you should read KK’s story. | It was 1991, the year KK would graduate from his engg college. It was also the time for leaping from the academic to the corporate world. KK knew that he wanted a good job, a job that paid well but he had no clue of what kind of job he wanted or what job could he excel at, i.e. should he sell engg products, create new solutions, get into research-oriented roles or manufacturing or design...Or should he leave it to the employers to decide what was best for him? (Do you feel like Kunfusd Kumar or KK?) |
| | | And so as the story goes, KK soon landed a decent job but the confusion persisted. He experimented with different roles & jobs, but he was unhappy. At most jobs he was considered average, employers had begun to consider him unstable and he was getting left behind. After many years of struggle, KK finally got the right job, a job he could excel at as well as enjoyed doing. From there on, there was no looking back for him. He now understood that while knowledge/degree was important, it was the combination of his skills or strengths that determined his career growth and job satisfaction. (Do you know your top skills?) | |
| This, then is the story behind www.JobFit.in, created with the intent to enable young Indians (Any UG/Graduate/PG) find their way...to the right job! JobFit benefits include : | | Know the Job type that best suits you |
| | Discovery of top skills that make each one of us different! |
| | Assessment & Career guidance by experts | | | |
| | As the saying goes, "The world follows the man who knows where he is going", we truly hope that by adopting JobFit, you will find your way. | See you at www.JobFit.in. Discover your talent now and tell your friends about it! |
| Yours Sincerely, KK | | | |
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